Elon Musk Applauds Netflix’s Crackdown On Woke Employees: “Good move by Netflix

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Netflix finally took a stand against its woke employees as subscriptions and its stock price continue to fall. A new Netflix Culture memo has a section called “Artistic Expression” where the company says it will no longer “censor specific artists or voices” even if employees whine that the content is “harmful.”

“If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you,” the company told employees. The memo says:

“Entertaining the world is an amazing opportunity and also a challenge because viewers have very different tastes and points of view. So we offer a wide variety of TV shows and movies, some of which can be provocative,” the new section reads. 

“To help members make informed choices about what to watch, we offer ratings, content warnings and easy to use parental controls.

“Not everyone will like — or agree with — everything on our service.

“While every title is different, we approach them based on the same set of principles:

“We support the artistic expression of the creators we choose to work with;

“We program for a diversity of audiences and tastes;

“And we let viewers decide what’s appropriate for them, versus having Netflix censor specific artists or voices,” the memo says.

Enter Elon Musk who responded to a tweet from Tom Fitton that said:

.“@Netflix Inc. has a new message for its employees: Be prepared to work on content you may not agree with. And if you don’t like that, you can quit. @ElonMusk seems to be having an impact beyond @Twitter.”

MUsk responded with:

“Good move by @netflix.”

From Red State:

He also made Jewish jokes and took a variety of other shots are other demographics. That’s what comedy is, and the idea that certain groups are off-limits is not something Chappelle is ever going to abide by.

But the trans jokes led to a “trans walkout” and other protestations from Netflix employees.

At the time, the CEO came out and defended Chappelle before bending the knee, attempting to coddle the woke employees that were lashing out by seeking an ill-advised middle ground.

Once that financial collapse happened, though, it looks like a sudden change in direction happened.

You can imagine that the board of directors and the shareholders were none too happy with seeing their company burn to the ground in order to make a small minority of far-left activists happy.

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