Rittenhouse Just Sent His Lawyers After Biden – Kyle Accuses The President Of Defaming His Character

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Millions of Americans celebrated the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse. They were relieved to see the man was declared not guilty after his harrowing trial. But clearly, Democrats were not at all pleased. They ranted about the trial online, blaming the outcome on racism and everything else.

But Joe Biden last year jumped straight to conclusions last year instead of respecting our judicial system. He dared to imply Rittenhouse was a white supremacist in a tweet, and even after the verdict he admitted that he was angry about it along with many other Americans. Now, it looks like this young man has something to say about that.

From Breitbart:

Kyle Rittenhouse urged President Joe Biden to watch his trial “and understand the facts before you make a statement.” Rittenhouse also said Biden calling him a white supremacist is “actual malice,” and that he has attorneys looking into holding people who have spread falsehoods about him accountable.

Rittenhouse revealed that his lawyers were looking into what people said about him before, after, and during his trial. It appears he might have a case against some media outlets and individuals, whom he said “spread falsehoods.” That could include Joe Biden, who basically accused the young man of being a “white supremacist.”

The now-acquitted Rittenhouse called out Biden for his comments against him. He urged Biden to watch the trial and “understand the facts” about the events. Rittenhouse said that Biden calling him a “white supremacist” was “actual malice” and it “defamed his character.”

Many have discussed what Rittenhouse can do, in light of his acquittal. Numerous liberal outlets branded him guilty before the trial even began. They slandered his character, calling him a racist and (at least in one case) a “murderer.”

Even after the trial ended, media figures continued to blast the young man. We’ve all seen how misinformation and attacks from the media have ruined people’s lives. Rittenhouse might be in danger, because of the lies spread about him. He appears to be entitled to holding these people accountable.

But does that include Joe Biden himself? I’m sure there are more than a few Americans who would like to see Rittenhouse sue the man. But I guess we’ll wait and see.

Source: Breitbart

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