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Melania Trump Staffer Accuses Pelosi Of Throwing Temper Tantrum At WH, Says Nancy Screamed At Young Receptionist After Arguing With Trump

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Melania Trump’s former chief of staff has a new book out and is claiming Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a meltdown at the White House after arguing with Trump and screamed at a young White HOuse receptionist.

Stephanie Grisham detailed the behind-the-scenes action about the famous picture of Pelosi standing up wagging her finger at Trump and his team.

“Things got tense quickly,” Grisham wrote. “At one point, Pelosi stood up and pointed at the president. ‘All roads with you lead to Russia.’ ‘You gave Russia Ukraine and Syria.’”

Grisham wrote Trump “looked annoyed” before firing back at Nancy, “You’re just a third-rate politician.”

“With that, the Democratic leadership got up and walked out,” Grisham wrote but they had to retrieve their phones.

“That was when Pelosi seemed to blow up,” wrote Grisham.

The White House receptionist, a young woman, was “caught off guard by the early departures” and “stumbled around looking for the correct phones.”

“Pelosi went ballistic in my opinion,” wrote Grisham.

“We can’t even trust you people with our phones,” Pelosi screamed before accusing the TRump admin from bugging her phone.

 “I never should have given you guys my phone! I know you bugged it,” Grisham wrote.

“Pelosi then started calling the young woman incompetent and raged that there was not an umbrella available to her so she could go out to the microphones in the rain and berate the president in front of the cameras,” wrote Grisham.

Grisham continued:

“I know that so many people hated Donald Trump, they would excuse anyone for anything if it was done in opposition to him. 

“Still, Pelosi screaming at a young girl was totally unprofessional behavior, and it was exactly what she accused Trump of doing all the time — bullying.

“I will say, though, that Trump could bring out the worst in people too.”

Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said Grisham’s claims “never happened.”

“Completely made up,” Hamill said before calling Grisham’s claims “desperate trash.”