Florida Federal Judge Stops Biden In His Tracks – He Puts An End To Joe’s $4 Billion ‘Discriminatory’ Relief Program

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We can’t argue that Joe Biden is in the pocket of the radical left. But one judge is halting some of his most extreme plans.

The so-called moderate Biden has been pushing “social justice” policies that actually put some Americans at the back of the line.

For instance, Biden wanted to help farmers who suffered during the lockdowns. He offered $4 billion in aid.

However, Biden was going to give minority owners priority. White farmers would be totally left out.

But one federal judge called this program for what it was: discrimination.

From Daily Wire:

U.S. District Judge Marcia Morales Howard halted the package in a ruling that suggested the program was marred in “governmentally imposed discrimination based on race.”

“Congress also must heed its obligation to do away with governmentally imposed discrimination based on race,” Howard wrote in her decision, adding that “it appears that in adopting Section 1005’s strict race-based debt relief remedy Congress moved with great speed to address the history of discrimination, but did not move with great care.”

A federal judge ruled to stop Biden’s program that would have provided billions to minority farmers.

But white owners were discluded. This, even though farmers, regardless of race, faced serious hardships during the pandemic.

Biden and Democrats seemed to think that only non-white farmers suffered. Umm… does he think white people can’t suffer?

A cutback in sales hurts everyone. Farmers suffered during the lockdowns, because hotels, restaurants, schools, and other businesses stopped buying their food.

Does Biden think white farmers were still selling their crops? To who? Is Biden that dumb or is he racists against white farmers?

Regardless of the reasoning, the judge ruled this was racial discrimination.

It’s chilling to think that anyone, Democrat or not, would try to push policies that give special treatment to certain people on the basis of race.

But this is far from being the first time Democrats have done this. In fact, much of their platform revolves around treating people differently, based on their race, gender, or other factors.

Sounds kind of like discrimination to me.

Key Takeaways:

  • A federal judge blocked Biden’s program to send aid to non-white farmers.
  • The program would exclude white farmers from $4 billion in aid.
  • The judge ruled that such a move was racial discrimination.

Source: Daily Wire

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