unique visitors counter President Trump Just Shut Out Joe Biden – Unlike Obama, Donald Doesn’t Plan To Pass On His Large Twitter Following – Washington News

President Trump Just Shut Out Joe Biden – Unlike Obama, Donald Doesn’t Plan To Pass On His Large Twitter Following

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President Trump has cooperated with Biden’s “transition” team, only as much as is necessary. It’s clear the president refuses to concede and plans on challenging the election, perhaps all the way until January 20th.

After all, there is nothing in the Constitution that says Trump has to just roll over for his rival.

We all know how Trump has used the power of social media to reach millions of people. It seems Biden’s team wants Trump to hand over his presidential account and all his followers to Joe, as Obama did for Trump.

But Trump isn’t planning to keep with that “tradition.” From Fox Business:

President-elect Joe Biden’s digital team has taken issue with Twitter’s decision to block Biden from inheriting President Trump’s followers on the platform – a practice at odds with previous presidential transitions…

“The accounts will not automatically retain their existing followers,” Pacilio said in a statement Tuesday. “Instead, Twitter will notify followers of these accounts to provide context that the content will be archived and allow them the choice to follow the Biden administration’s new accounts.”

Should Biden enter office, all of the official White House Twitter accounts will be transferred to his team. But the new policy, enacted by the Trump administration, will not allow all those followers to go with it.

Twitter will have to let followers know about the change to these accounts and give them the option of following the new account controllers.

It must be said that this does not affect Trump’s personal account, the one he mainly tweets from. But the official accounts of the presidency, which include @POTUS and @WhiteHouse, will lose their millions of followers.

Biden’s team is outraged and is trying to push back. But this is only fair when you think about it.

Imagine if you were following someone else on Twitter. Then, suddenly, they gave up their account and someone else—someone you don’t like—is now running it. Shouldn’t you be informed by Twitter of this change?

And wouldn’t it be right to ask you to opt-in, once again, if you so choose?

People who followed these accounts over the last four years wanted to know about the Trump administration, not the Biden administration (if such one will ever exist). I’m sure plenty of people will be unfollowing, anyway.

Key Takeaways:

  • The official Twitter accounts of the presidency will start at zero if Biden takes over.
  • The Biden administration wanted the current followers of Trump to transfer over.
  • Twitter will have to inform users of the change and give the option of following.

Source: Fox Business