Adam Schiff Makes Embarrassing Flub On National TV: “Into inciting an erection”

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Adam Schiff cracked under questioning on The View putting all the MSNBC and CNN hosts who have lobbed softballs at Adam for years to shame. Adam got called out for his role in spreading the garbage Steele Dossier by Morgan Ortagus, former spokesperson for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and short-term View co-host.

He stammered clearly flustered that his actions would come back to haunt him, Morgan reminded the nation that Schiff read the Steele Dossier from the floor of the House before she told him he lacked credibility. 

He defended himself by making an embarrassing flub saying Trump incited an erection before catching himself.

“Let’s not use that as a smokescreen to somehow shield Donald Trump’s culpability for inviting Russia to help him win the election, which they did. For trying to coerce Ukraine into helping him in the next election, which he did. Into inciting an erection –“

Schiff corrected himself immediately to say “insurrection.”

Schiff said yo defend his actions: “And unlike in the Trump administration, if they’re convicted, they should go to jail and not be pardoned.

“And let’s not forget what we learned in that investigation.

“We learned that the Trump campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was giving internal polling data, campaign polling data to Russian intelligence while Russian intelligence was helping the Trump campaign.”

Ortagus jumped in accussing Schiff of helping to “spread disinformation” about Trump before she added, “That’s what Republicans and what people who entrusted you as the Intel Committee chair are so confused about your culpability in all of this.”

“Well, I completely disagree with the premise,” Schiff said. “It’s one thing to say that allegations should be investigated, and they were; it’s another to say that we should have foreseen in advance that some people were lying to Christopher Steele, which is impossible, of course, to do. But let’s not use that as a smoke screen to somehow shield Donald Trump’s culpability for inviting Russia to help him in the election, which they did, for trying to coerce Ukraine into helping him in the next election, which he did, into inciting an erection, insurrection, which he did. None of that is undercut, none of that serious misconduct is in any way diminished by the fact that people lied to Christopher Steele.”

“No, I think just your credibility is,” Ortagus said leaving Adam tongue tied and bumbling,

“Well, I think the credibility to question is in doubt,” Schiff mumbled..

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