unique visitors counter Trump Rips Gen Milley In Iowa: “When Milley told me that, I said, What are you a nut job? Are you stupid?” – Washington News

Trump Rips Gen Milley In Iowa: “When Milley told me that, I said, What are you a nut job? Are you stupid?”

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Former President Donald Trump took the stage last night in Iowa at one of his signature rallies that CSPAN carried live under the heading “2024 Campaign.”

While Trump has said he will make his final decision on 2024 closer to the race due to the arcane campaign finance laws, he certainly acted like he is running last night.

He ripped Joe Biden and the debacle that has been the last few months before calling out General Milley. Trump said Milley told him about leaving our equipment in Afghanistan: “It’s cheaper to leave the equipment than it is to take it.”

Trump continued:

“When Milley told me that, I said, ‘What are you a nut job? Are you stupid?’ That was one of the many times I realized he was stupid.

“I said, ‘Now wait a minute,’ especially being in the construction business – “You mean we have a 50 million dollar plane, all it needs is a tank of gas and a pilot.

“We could have flown over 200 pilots, taken everything out, but we didn’t have to worry because the Taliban listened to me.

“I know exactly what happened. Milley went up to him, just like he did to me, but it was unacceptable. With me, I said, ‘I want every nut, I want every bolt, I want every screw, I want every plane and tank, I want the Apaches, I want everything out. 

“And I even want the hangars.’ You know, those beautiful canvas hangars that hold these big monster planes, they’re massive. I said, ‘I want the hangars, I want the canvas, I want the plastic, I want the fiberglass, and I want the steel, I want everything out. And then we’re going to bomb the hell out of the five or so bases that we don’t want.

“And don’t believe them when they say they disabled the equipment, they didn’t.

“You see a couple of helicopters – they got killed for leaving the equipment – and so they disabled a couple of little old helicopters.

“That equipment is brand new right out of the box, including the night goggles, which are better than the goggles we have.

“They’re later models. And including all of the rifles, machine guns, and guns – they’re the latest model. The latest and the greatest.

“So, our enemy of many years has all of that, and it’s a shame. It’s a shame. To see what happened to our country, it’s a shame.

“You’ll have a five million dollar army tank, a three million dollar helicopter brand new,” Trump added. “Think of this: Even if you just flew it into Pakistan, it’s a very short flight, and then you took your time taking it we should’ve taken everything.”

“Most importantly, we should have never lost 13 warriors,” Trump said.