
Kevin McCarthy Lands Knockout Blow on Democrats – Minority Leader Tells Pelosi To Have Primetime Address on Gas Prices and Inflation

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The country’s economy is in freefall. Americans are facing numerous crises, which are hitting them in the bank account.

But what is Pelosi and her Democrats focused on? Their ridiculous primetime J6 hearing. They are stuck in January 2021, when we have real problems right now.

Kevin McCarthy was not having any of it. And he hit back, hard.

From YouTube:

House Minority Leader Representative Kevin McCarthy slammed Democrats for refusing to address gas prices, inflation, and crime, during a House Republican Conference press briefing on 6/9/2022.


Boom. McCarthy blasted Democrats for putting on their fake hearing show, while Americans are suffering.

Is anyone buying the left’s obvious misdirection with J6 when we have such real kitchen table problems?

Yeah, some folks out there hated Trump when he was in office. But guess what? They had gas in their tanks and money in their bank accounts.

McCarthy demanded why the Democrats—along with their puppet Biden—aren’t talking about the rising gas prices (which are edging above $5/gallon nationally), inflation, and crime?

Democrats can talk all they want about Trump. But Americans know they are the ones in office right now, not the 45th president.

Joe Biden and his party sat back and helped create runaway inflation, triggered rising gas prices, and let crime get out of control in blue cities.

But we are supposed to care about something a few morons did last year at the Capitol?

The only reason Democrats are focused so hard on their “commission” is that, in reality, they have no solutions to the real crises.

They know Biden’s “stimulus” bill—along with many other decisions—created these economic woes.

And Democrats have no intentions (or idea how) of fixing them.

Key Takeaways:

  • House Minority Leader McCarthy blasted Democrats’ primetime hearing.
  • He asked why they refuse to address rising gas prices, inflation, and crime.
  • Democrats have presided over major crises over the last year and a half.

Source: YouTube

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