unique visitors counter Elon Musk Issues Warning To ‘Woke’ Americans: “Rude awakening inbound, all the stay-at-home stuff has tricked people into thinking that you don’t actually need to work hard – Washington News

Elon Musk Issues Warning To ‘Woke’ Americans: “Rude awakening inbound, all the stay-at-home stuff has tricked people into thinking that you don’t actually need to work hard

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Tesla CEO Elon Musk issued a warning to ‘woke’ Americans who have gotten fat off government largesse and a cowed corporate class that the fat lady is singing and the party is almost over.

After years of the Fed handing out (this goes back to George W. Bush) cheap money and then President Joe Biden not only ignoring the problem but adding gasoline to the fire, the bill is due and we don’t have the cash.

Musk was asked if he thinks Biden is bumbling us into a recession. He answered: “Yes, but this is actually a good thing. It has been raining money on fools for too long. Some bankruptcies need to happen.”

He was asked how long he thinks Joe Biden and the Democrat’s (they control the entire government no matter what they try to say) recession will last.

He said:

“Based on past experience, about 12 to 18 months. Companies that are inherently negative cash flow (ie value destroyers) need to die, so that they stop consuming resources.”

He then issued a warning:

“Also, all the Covid stay-at-home stuff has tricked people into thinking that you don’t actually need to work hard. Rude awakening inbound!”

He did offer a lighter touch later saying:

“Ya know, it’s pretty damn great to be able to talk to people from all walks of life and many countries on Twitter!

“So much to be learned, even from the harshest critics. 

“Basically … I’m just saying I love all you crazy people,” he said.

He said about the Dem Party:

“The degree to which the unions control the Dems is insane. It’s like watching a sock puppet ‘talk’ but the hand inside the sock is way too obvious!”

He said of Liz Warren’s idea to tax unrealized capital gains:

“This would be a super bad idea, since stocks can swing wildly from one day to the next, eg Snapchat dropping 43%. Tesla is ~40% below ATH!

“However, eliminating estate tax dodges like GRATs would be good, since probability of kids being effective stewards of capital is lower.”