ALERT: Vicious Black Mob Beats White Woman To A Bloody Pulp In Front Of Children… Media Silent

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“I’ll cut you up WHITE GIRL”… Welcome to Obama’s America. Again we have to report that a mob of Blacks have attacked a White person. This time it’s a mother that simply wanted to spend some quality time with her child at a playground. Hey Obama! You can celebrate your success with your race division you Kenyan SOB! I’m mad as hell at these animals.

Mark Schipper at DNAinfo reports that a white woman who wishes to remain anonymous was the victim of a racially motivated assault that occurred in front of her young daughter and a friend on a play date. It happened on August 6th as the woman, her child, and a young female friend were playing at a park when an unattended black boy came up and started attacking the young girls. The woman, unable to find the boy’s mother, made him apologize to the girls.

Feeling uncomfortable by the black boy’s aggressiveness, the woman took her daughter and the friend and strapped them in the car to leave. At this point, Keona Peterson, a black woman and presumably the boy’s mother, came up to the white woman.

“She was just shouting, ‘Hey you! Hey you white girl! I’ll cut you up white girl, this is my territory, my neighborhood, get the f— outta here! There’s thousands of acres for white people, what are you doing coming into my neighborhood?’” said the victim.

Go to hell you racist a-hole. You don’t have ‘territory’ you crazy animal. 

Four more black women joined Peterson at the white woman’s car and that’s when hell broke loose:

“She just opened up the car door and started punching me,” the victim said. “I burst out crying, she’d busted open my lip and I was bleeding. I pushed her hands away from the door and slammed it shut. I held it closed and they walked back toward the building.”

The attack was far from over. When the group went back into the building, the victim left her car with the girls strapped in and walked over to snap a picture. She did not know the address and wanted the photo for the police report she planned to file. When Peterson saw her, she ran back out of the building and caught her.

“She boxed me in the head, grabbed my hair, took my phone and started beating me with my phone. Then the others started beating me. I just kept screaming for someone to protect my girls. I was so scared they were going to do something to the girls. They saw the whole thing from the car, they were just screaming, watching it happen to me,” she said.

“The girl bit me three times on the hand, I was head butted, it was just disgusting.” The poor White woman said.

Animals. Filthy beasts. They belong in cages. Again, I am beyond pissed off. Ungrateful useless garbage. Welfare abusing drug addict leeches. 

Soundcloud Went Full Commie And Deleted The Sound Track…CENSORSHIP ANYBODY?

The shocking thing about this crime is not that a gang of blacks attacked a white person for being white; that happens all the time. The real surprise is that one of the attackers has actually been charged with a hate crime. Keona Peterson has been charged with five felonies: robbery, aggravated battery, participating in a mob action, unlawful vehicular invasion, and (wait for it) a hate crime.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived in a country where a woman could go to a playground with her daughter and not have to worry about being beaten by a gang of racist scumbags?

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