Chris Rock Sends 2 Hollywood Stars Spinning – And the Woke Mob Is Furious with Him

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What’s Happening:

The radical, socialist left is panicking. It is losing its grip on large portions of society. They weren’t fine with conservatives enjoying sports and NASCAR. They came for all that too. But, in the realm of comedy, the woke mob is quickly losing ground.

Notable comedians like Dave Chappelle and Joe Rogan have proven to the world that you can be “canceled” and still have a thriving career. The radical left does not have the power it thinks it does. And yet another iconic comedian is taking the fight to the left. During a legendary live special, Chris Rock took down figures the left has been protecting for years.

From Daily Wire:

Rock began the show by taking shots at people who get “triggered” and believe that “words hurt.” […]

Rock mocked Duchess Meghan Markle for her victim mindset, including her claims that the royal family was racist.

“‘Oprah, they’re so racist they wanted to know how brown the baby was going to be’,” Rock mocked Markle. “I’m like, ‘That’s not racist, because even black people want to know how brown the baby going to be.’”

And you know Rock went after Will Smith!

From Daily Caller:

Rock ripped into Smith, tearing him a new one for his actions, which ultimately led to Smith’s 10-year ban from all Academy Award ceremonies…

“But I’m not a victim. You will never see me on Oprah or Gayle, crying,” Rock said…

Fans roared with laughter as Rock called out Smith for his wild behavior, after having maintained his silence on the matter for nearly a full year.

Chris Rock starred in a decidedly politically incorrect special for Netflix. It was the very first live-streamed event hosted by the service. And it seems Rock was off the leash. Following Dave Chappelle’s epic takedowns of the woke mob, Rock blasted the limp-wristed left and their inability to take jokes.

He brutally mocked entitled Meghan Markle, a woman who claims to want privacy, but keeps popping up in the media. Rock dismissed her attacks against the royal family and her accusations that they are racist.

But Rock saved his biggest bombs for Will and Jada. Rock, for the first time since it happened, destroyed Will and his wife over the Oscars slap. Rock called out Smith’s actions, calling him a bully. And he pointed out that he was simply responding to criticisms from Jada, who insulted him before the event.

This special might be a watershed moment for comedy. More comedians will see Rock succeed, even as he attacks the woke mob’s sacred cows. Perhaps more entertainers will refuse to bend the knee to the left and resume speaking their minds.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chris Rock went after the woke mob in his latest Netflix special.
  • He criticized Meghan Markle and Will Smith, who slapped him during the Oscars.
  • Several famous comedians have been pushing back against the woke mob.

Source: Daily WireDaily Caller

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