Trump Turns 2024 Election on Its Head – For Donald’s Run, He Plans to ‘Master’ Democrat Ballot Harvesting

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What’s Happening:

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the country’s on the line this next election. If Joe Biden gets another term, we might not recover. The senile old socialist is determined to sell America to the highest bidder. His radical policies have destroyed our economy, border, and national security. And he’s only getting started.

But the sad reality is, he doesn’t need to be a good president to win an election. Democrats have figured out how to game the system, so they can do whatever they want and still win. We saw it in 2020 and we even saw it in Arizona last year. If Republicans want to win, they’ll have to change their battle plans. And, in a move nobody saw coming, Trump just announced an election-shaking change.

From The Post Millennial:

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign is examining ways to win over the mail-in vote after the Democrats’ performance in the 2020 presidential and 2022 midterm elections…

The change of heart can be observed in a Trump fundraising email… “Our path forward is to MASTER the Democrats’ own game of harvesting ballots in every state we can. But that also means we need to start laying the foundation for victory RIGHT NOW.”

Woah. According to reports and his own fundraising email, Trump is planning on using the left’s own strategy against them. From what we know, Trump’s team is examining state laws on absentee and mail-in ballots. And–shocker–the same ballot-harvesting techniques he previously attacked.

Why is he doing this? He is agreeing with his possible GOP rivals Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, who said Republicans have to change their game plan if they want to win. The COVID pandemic taught Democrats they can win elections, hands down, even if their policies ruin the country.

That’s because many states legalized mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting. And Democrats use these to their advantage, reaching people who would otherwise not vote. States send out ballots to everyone on voter rolls. Then, Democrats target neighbors likely to vote for them, doing door-to-door to collect ballots. Then, they simply drop them off at polling centers or drop-off boxes. Done.

Republicans have been woefully outdated, expecting people to show up on Election Day. That might get them some votes, but in many cases, Democrats already have an insurmountable lead thanks to early voting and ballot harvesting. In many states, this isn’t illegal.

So, why shouldn’t Republicans fight fire with fire? Until states ban these practices, Democrats are going to keep using them. And because it ensures big wins, they don’t need to worry about upsetting voters will rising taxes, crime, and chaos. They have figured out how to dominate elections, no matter what.

Now, if Trump is able to crack this system, he will be unbeatable. He can mobilize teams that can reach voters, get their votes, and lock in thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of votes before Election Day. Because, I promise you, Democrats already plan to do this to ensure deranged puppet Joe Biden stays in office.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump revealed he is embracing ballot harvesting and other tactics for 2024.
  • Democrats have used ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots, and other measures to win elections.
  • Trump had previously criticized these measures, even as Democrats won big.

Source: The Post Millennial

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