Elon Musk Just Shook Twitter to Its Core – Their New CEO Goes on ‘Rampage,’ Deletes Board and Restricts Censorship

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What’s Happening:

Millions of Americans rejoiced as free speech champion Elon Musk took over social giant Twitter. The billionaire didn’t waste time making changes. He kicked out top executives who had been behind some of the worst acts of censorship on the platform.

But he was far from over.

We know he took the website’s software out of the leftists’ hands who ran it. He is doing even more to reverse Twitter’s death spiral. Musk just took major steps to evict the leftist poison infesting the site.

From Daily Wire:

New Twitter CEO Elon Musk became “the sole director” of Twitter on Monday after he moved to disband the social media company’s board of directors…

Musk also took action to limit the ability of Twitter employees to moderate content and enforce that platform’s often criticized rules.

This is pretty good news. Musk continued his streak of firing the leftist overlords who were censuring conservatives and turning Twitter into a woke wasteland. He got rid of the company’s board of directors–making himself the “sole director.”

But that was just the next step in saving Twitter’s soul. He also prevented Twitter employees from their favorite pastime: moderating content they didn’t like to silence free speech. According to Bloomberg Twitter’s falsely named “Trust and Safety” team has lost its power to penalize users.

The team claimed they were battling “misleading information, offensive posts, and hate speech.” But come on. We know what they were really doing: shutting down free and open discussions about topics they wanted to control.

Anyone who defied the left’s narrative on major topics was blocked, banned, or silenced. Now, Musk has prevented this group of ghouls from robbing Americans of their First Amendment rights. And anyone that tried to get answers from the company was ignored or stonewalled.

It should only be a matter of time before these devils are kicked to the curb as well.

From all appearances, Musk is making good on his promise to transform Twitter and make it an open platform for all users. If he’s successful, Twitter could boom with new users and enthusiasm. Which might force other social networks to follow, freeing speech once again.

Now you know why Democrats were so opposed to his takeover. Again, they’ve lost.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elon Musk fired Twitter’s board of directors, making himself “sole director.”
  • He also banned Twitter’s censors from moderating users’ content.

Source: Daily Wire

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