Clarence Thomas To Media On When He’ll Retire: “I will absolutely leave the Court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours

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Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had a brutal message for our corporate media telling them he will retire if he did his job as poorly as they do theirs. Thomas has a point because of all our institutions, the corporate media has the worst track record.

You can really go back to any time but just looking at WMDs, Michael Avenatti, what they did to Trump and it is a wonder they are still in business. The only one with a worse track record of being right is Joe Biden who hasn’t been right about a damn thing in over 35 years.

Look at Biden’s record in the Senate, especially what he did for the credit card companies if you doubt that.  He was a disaster there and he is a dud in the White House.

Thomas fired back at his critics in the media saying: “I will absolutely leave the Court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours. And that was meant as a compliment.”

Thomas said about the leaked opinion by Samuel Alito that overturned Roe v Wade.

“The institution that I’m a part of, if someone said that one line of one opinion would be leaked by anyone, you’d say, ‘Oh, that’s impossible. No one would ever do that.’ There is such a belief in the rule of law, a belief in the court, a belief in what we were doing that that was verboten.

“It was beyond anyone’s understanding, or at least anyone’s imagination, that someone would do that.

“I do think what happened at the court is tremendously bad.

“I wonder how long we’re going to have these institutions at the rate we’re undermining them.

“And then I wonder when they’re gone or they are destabilized, what we’ll have as a country.

“And I don’t think that the prospects are good if we continue to lose them.

“When you lose that trust, especially in the institution that I’m in, it changes the institution fundamentally. 

“You begin to look over your shoulder.

“It’s like kind of an infidelity that you can explain it, but you can’t undo it.

“You would never visit Supreme Court Justice’s houses when things didn’t go our way.

“We didn’t throw temper tantrums.

“It is incumbent on us to always act appropriately and not to repay tit for tat.

You can’t have a civil society, a free society, without a stable legal system.

“You can’t have one without stability and things like property or interpretation and impartial judiciary,” he said.

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