Elon Musk: “Whoever thought owning the libs would be cheap never tried to acquire a social media company!

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Elon Musk gave some updates on his impending Twitter purchase last night while taking a shot at ‘the libs.’ Perhaps echoing Lauren Boebert’s earlier funny Tweet where she said, “Elon Musk now literally owns the libs.”

Musk said last night: “Whoever thought owning the libs would be cheap never tried to acquire a social media company!”

He also offered some tips to make using Twitter more enjoyable but was careful not to blame Twitter, “I’m not suggesting malice in the algorithm, but rather that it’s trying to guess what you might want to read and, in doing so, inadvertently manipulate/amplify your viewpoints without you realizing this is happening.”

“Not to mention potential bugs in the code. Open source is the way to go to solve both trust and efficacy.

“You are being manipulated by the algorithm in ways you don’t realize.

“Easy to switch back & forth to see the difference.

“Very important to fix your Twitter feed:

  1. Tap home button.
  2. Tap stars on upper right of screen.
  3. Select “Latest tweets”.

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey said:

“It was designed simply to save you time when you are away from app for a while. Pull to refresh goes back to reverse chron as well.”

Musk linked to a report by one of the last remaininbg independent journalists working, Matt Taibbi, who is blowing the whistle on big government overreach.

Matt wrote,  “The story also turns out to be in part about why California, which had a growth streak dating back to the gold rush, saw it broken in 2020, when the population shrank by 182,000, causing a first-ever loss of a congressional seat. More tellingly, over 265 companies moved their headquarters out between 2018 and 2021, with the rate of flight doubling just during those years.

“Based on interviews with current and former executives, congressional and legislative sources from both parties, past and present employment regulators, a handful of public and private litigators with knowledge of the relevant cases, and review of thousands of excruciating pages of court records, here’s the background to sensational cases like Riot Games, Activision, and Tesla that no one told you about.

“Bear with me, for I fell way down the rabbit hole on the story of the Lawyers Who Ate California: 

“Part One: The Feds

Toward the end of Barack Obama’s administration, the West regional office of an investigatory arm of the Department of Labor called the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or OFCCP, was asked to conduct a routine compliance review of Oracle, employer to over 130,000 and the second-largest software company in the world.

“The OFCCP’s mandate among other things is to promote diversity and bar federal contractors from discrimination, and Obama had a vision for the agency which involved using it aggressively to correct the pay gap. “You are in a unique position to fix this problem,” Obama reportedly told DOL officials early in his term. “Why are you not fixing this problem?”

In establishing a “National Equal Pay Enforcement Task Force,” Obama cited census statistics that showed women earned just 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, which he called an “embarrassment.”

“The pay gap no doubt existed, but Obama’s claim earned a whopping two Pinocchios from future fact-checking demigod Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post.

“Kessler cited sources saying Obama was comparing apples to oranges, ignoring career and educational choices (men dominated the most remunerative majors like Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering, while women dominated the least remunerative, like Studio Arts).

“Kessler cited a study from the St. Louis Fed that suggested that when women and men with similar educational backgrounds working comparable jobs were compared, a pay gap still existed, but it was far smaller than “most think.”

“This would become relevant at Oracle, where experts argued over whether to compare men and women with similar degrees and experience, or compare men and women with similar degrees and experience in the same field, among other factors.

“In any case, the agency rolled out a new approach that more than ever before would stress using statistical analyses thanks to “access to more data,” to identify actionable pay gap issues.”

Read the rest of the shocking report here.

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