Megyn Kelly Rebukes Smollett Family For Demanding Jussie’s Release: “I couldn’t care less what struggles he’s encountering, I don’t feel sorry for him at all

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Megyn Kelly dropped the hammer on disgraced Hollywood actor and convicted felon Jussie Smollett after he was sentenced to 150 days in the notorious Cook County Jail. Megyn said she didn’t “feel sorry for him” despite the pleas of his family.

Kelly, a lawyer, detailed Cook County Judge James Linn’s blistering statement before sentencing Smollett to jail, 30 months felony probation, a $25,000 fine, and $120,106 restitution to the city of Chicago. Kelly gave the hard truth to the Smollett family after Jussie’s brother and sister begged for mercy for their felon sibling.

Megyn said: “We don’t care. I couldn’t care less what struggles he’s encountering. You’re going to prison because you did lie. You broke the law. You actually involved a lot of the Chicago P.D. time, took up a lot of their time when they could have been solving murders and real crimes out in the streets of Chicago. I don’t feel sorry for him at all.”

Jussie Smollett’s sister, Jurnee Smollett, said Cook County should release Jussie because of the difference in incarceration rates between black and white Americans in state prison. Jurnee Smollett said:

“Black Americans are incarcerated in state prisons at nearly five times the rate of White Americans. Jussie is innocent. And you don’t have to believe in his innocence to believe he should be free.”

Smollett’s brother said:

“So Jussie is currently in a psych ward at the Cook County Jail. What’s very concerning is that there was a note attached to his paperwork today and put in front of his jail cell saying that he’s at risk of self-harm,” his brother Jocqui Smollett said.

“I want to make it clear to folks that he is in no way, shape, or form at risk of self-harm. He wants to let folks know that he is very stable, he is very strong, he is very healthy and ready to take on the challenge that has been put up against him.”

“This is not right. This is a complete lack of justice. It’s angering. It’s an outrage, but he ultimately knows what he needs to do.

“So please, make sure you all spreading facts. We really need our people to support us,” Jocqui Smollett said.

Judge Linn said at sentencing:

“There’s a side of you that has this arrogance, and selfishness and narcissism that’s just disgraceful.

“You’re not a victim of a racial hate crime, you’re not a victim of a homophobic hate crime.

“You’re just a charlatan pretending to be a victim of a hate crime, and that’s shameful,” the judge said.

The Cook County Sheriff’s office said:

“The use of solitary confinement was abolished at the Cook County Jail in 2016, and any claims that he is being held in this manner is false.

“Mr. Smollett is being housed in his own cell, which is monitored by security cameras in the cell and by an officer wearing a body worn camera who is stationed at the entrance of the cell to ensure that Mr. Smollett is under direct observation at all times.

“As with all detained persons, Mr. Smollett is entitled to have substantial time out of his cell in the common areas on the tier where he is housed, where he is able to use the telephone, watch television, and interact with staff.

“During such times out of cell, other detainees will not be present in the common areas.

“These protocols are routinely used for individuals ordered into protective custody who may potentially be at risk of harm due to the nature of their charges, their profession, or their noteworthy status. 

“The safety and security of all detained individuals, including Mr. Smollett, is the Sheriff’s Office’s highest priority,” the office said.

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