New Details on Jeffrey Epstein Surveillance Video Emerge

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Jeffrey Epstein Surveillance Video Showed No One Entering The Area Where He Was Held, Barr Says in New Book

A new book by former Attorney General William Barr quashes claims that Jeffery Epstein committed suicide.

Barr’s wide-ranging memoir of his years of service in government touches many topics of interest to a curious public—including an assessment of the death of Jeffery Epstein.

Epstein faced multiple charges of sex trafficking minors when he unexpectedly died while in custody at the Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center in 2019. His accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, was found guilty of four counts of sex trafficking in Dec. 2021—Maxwell has not yet been sentenced.

Speculations of foul play, fueled by the possibility that Epstein’s partners and clients included notables in Hollywood and government, quickly circulated following Epstein’s death.

Barr, however, throws water on the rumor embers that have been circulating for the last two years, writing that there was “no evidence of foul play.”

According to a Fox News team that reviewed an advance copy of Barr’s new book, One Damn Thing After Another, the former Attorney General writes: 

“The New York City medical examiner had conducted an autopsy and ruled that Epstein killed himself by hanging. Other evidence also pointed to suicide, but it was the video evidence that confirmed the medical examiner’s finding.”

Barr also notes that video surveillance tapes show that no one entered Epstein’s tier the night of his death.

“I personally reviewed that video footage,” Barr noted. “It shows conclusively that between the time Epstein was locked in his cell at 7:49 p.m. on the night of August 9 and the time he was discovered the next morning at 6:30 a.m., no one entered his tier.”

Barr also notes that “a perfect storm of failures” preceded Epstein’s death and that “[t]he fact that so many failures occurred at one time understandably led people to suspect the worst.”

“Those failures,” Barr continued, “included Epstein wrongfully being taken off suicide watch after a previous attempt at taking his own life and not immediately providing Epstein with a new cellmate after his old one was transferred out, leaving him alone. 

“Additionally,” Barr added, “the two corrections officers on duty that night who were supposed to be monitoring Epstein were instead sleeping and using the internet while on the job – they later pleaded guilty after being accused of covering up their misdeeds by falsifying records.”

“As for Epstein,” Barr concluded, “it was no consolation to me that an odious criminal was dead. He should have been given a fair trial and, if found guilty, made to answer for his crimes. That he was not is deeply disappointing to me.”

Barr’s conclusions will likely not put the matter to rest. Epstein’s death was ruled a “suicide by hanging” by the New York Medical Examiner, but Federal Bureau of Prisons officials note that Epstein told prison officials he had a “wonderful life” and had “no plans or thoughts of suicide.”

Epstein told a prison psychologist, “I have no interest in killing myself,” stating that he was a “coward” who disliked pain.

Skeptics note several irregularities in Epstein’s prison experience. For example, his intake forms were not filled out correctly—they list him as a “black male” with no prior sex offense convictions, whereas Epstein was white and had two convictions from 2008.  

Also irregular is the fact that Epstein spent many hours out of his cell (in consultation with attorneys and advisors) and placed unauthorized phone calls.

Records show that the night Epstein killed himself, he”lied to jail officials” and claimed he wanted to call his mother, who was not alive. Epstein then called his girlfriend.  

Prison staff did not properly log that call, and later that night, prison staff left Epstein alone in his cell against orders that he be assigned a cellmate, in part, because of suicide risk. 

Prison staff suggested his suicide was due to “the lack of significant interpersonal connections, a complete loss of his status in both the community and among associates, and the idea of potentially spending his life in prison.”  

A CBS News “60 Minutes” report questioned the cause of death. 

Forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, who observed the four-hour autopsy, noted there were unusual “fractures of the left, the right thyroid cartilage and the left hyoid bone.” 

Baden added, “I have never seen three fractures like this in a suicidal hanging. Going over a thousand jail hangings, suicides in the New York City State prisons over the past 40-50 years, no one had three fractures.”

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