Russia Just Got Hacked By A Dangerous New Enemy – Their Ministry of Defense Website Hit By Collective ‘Anonymous,’ They Claim

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When Joe Biden discussed Russia’s impending invasion, he said the U.S. would not get involved in “minor incursions,” which he claimed only meant anything less than boots on the ground. Many slammed Biden, knowing that Russia had a variety of technical tools to disrupt Ukraine’s government.

Which, of course, they used in the run-up to the real invasion. Russian hackers took down Ukraine’s government and military networks, throwing them into confusion. But two can play at that game. And the online collective known as “Anonymous” just declared war on Putin.

From Fox News:

Anonymous, an international hacking collective that has conducted cyberattacks against governments and corporations, appeared to declare war against Putin and Russia due to its invasion of Ukraine.

The “YourAnonNews” Twitter account, which boasts 6.5 million followers, made the declaration on Thursday, saying that the hacking group is “currently involved in operations against the Russian Federation.”

This is an interesting and unexpected development. Hacker collective Anonymous—which hasn’t been heard from much in years—came out in support of Ukraine. The group claims it will “smash [Russia’s] internet providers to bits,” to send a message to the country’s government and Putin.

The group announced they “want only peace in the world.” It appears they will be using their collective resources (i.e.: millions of anonymous hackers from around the world) to assault Russia’s online infrastructure. That often comes in the form of DDOS attacks, a form of hacking that overwhelms servers. Intense DDOS attacks can even result in physical hardware malfunctions.

It’s unclear if Anonymous can do anything to disrupt Russia’s plans for Ukraine. But it’s ironic that a group of faceless hackers is being more proactive than major nations. The United States, under Biden, as well as the EU and NATO appear to be sitting on their hands as they complain about Putin.

The UN seems even more powerless, unwilling to stop Russia’s unwarranted invasion.

Source: Fox NewsTwitter

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