Biden’s Build Back Better Slams Into Democrat Brick Wall – The Senate’s Plan To Quickly Pass It Fails

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Biden suffered a major setback last year after Joe Manchin refused to support his massive spending bill. But Democrats claimed they would bounce back, promising to work on this bill in the new year. Many critics said this would not happen, as the November midterms would quickly approach.

It doesn’t seem Manchin has changed his mind from a month ago. Democrats, especially progressives, refuse to budge on the major “green” and socialist goals of this bill. So, we shouldn’t be surprised to learn, once again, that Democrats are shelving Biden’s signature program.

From The Hill:

Democratic aides say the Build Back Better bill won’t be ready for floor action any time soon and predict the wide-ranging legislation that the White House has negotiated with centrist Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) may have to be completely overhauled.

Once again, Biden’s massive spending bill is being put on the back burner. Aides claim they are nowhere close to making changes to the bill that would impress moderates like Manchin and Sinema. They even said it could be “completely overhauled,” which would take weeks, if not months.

This is yet another blow to Biden’s agenda. He promised to “build back better” as president. Instead, he’s done nothing but trigger a variety of economy-crippling crises. He could have salvaged his reputation with this spending bill, claiming it was a win for America. But we all know it would have done untold damage to our economy and major industries.

It seems Democrats are scrambling to save their bacon in this election year. Their top priority is pushing a reckless and destructive voting reform bill, which would make stopping voter fraud impossible. Apparently, they think that if they get this passed quickly, they could ensure their victory in November.

The big problem? They need to kill the filibuster, something both Sinema and Manchin have refused to support. Neither of these Democrats has suggested they’d support ending the filibuster. Schumer is trying to begin debate on that, so he can rush a voting bill through by Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

But it seems like he is dreaming. These two senators have not budged in their views on the filibuster. So, it seems this Senate is wasting its time, yet again.

Source: The Hill

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