General Mike Flynn Sues Liz Cheney And Select Committee To Block Subpoenas

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General Mike Flynn filed a lawsuit against Liz Cheney and the rest of the House Select Committee looking into Jan 6. Flynn seeking to block the Committee’s subpoenas against him, his family, and the telecommunications companies they use.

The lawsuit says: “General Flynn did not organize, speak at, or actively participate in any rallies or protests in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021, and he of course did not participate in the attack on the Capitol that day. 

Nevertheless, the Select Committee—assuming the role of shadow prosecutor for the January 6 attack and working in parallel with the actual prosecutors at the Department of Justice—has diverted its attention from its important work to target General Flynn for a quasi-prosecution that is either aimless or transparently partisan.

Despite not participating in any public events in Washington on January 6, Defendants have issued General Flynn a sweeping subpoena seeking twenty different categories of documents and a demand that General Flynn appear for a deposition in Washington, D.C. 

The subpoena demands records of General Flynn’s communications about the 2020 election, and seeks to identify the basis for his beliefs and the persons with whom he associated, in addition to contacts with government officials. It thus constitutes a frontal assault on his 1 st Amendment rights to freedom of speech, association, and petition.

WHEREFORE, General Flynn asks the Court to enter Judgment in his favor and against Defendants and to order the following relief:

A declaratory judgment that the Subpoena and any subpoena similar in form and content to the Verizon Subpoena targeting General Flynn are ultra vires, unlawful, and unenforceable; 

A declaratory judgment that the Subpoena and any subpoena similar in form and content to the Verizon Subpoena targeting General Flynn serve no valid legislative purpose and exceed the Select Committee’s Constitutional authority;

A declaratory judgment that the Subpoena and any subpoena similar inform and content to the Verizon Subpoena targeting General Flynn violatesGeneral Flynn’s rights under the 1st Amendment and those of members of his family; 

A declaratory judgment that the Subpoena and any subpoena similar in form and content to the Verizon Subpoena targeting General Flynn violatesGeneral Flynn’s rights under the 4th Amendment and those of members of his family;

A declaratory judgment that the Subpoena violates General Flynn’s5thAmendment privilege against self-incrimination

In the alternative, an order modifying the Subpoena and any subpoena similar in form and content to the Verizon Subpoena targeting General Flynn To seek only unprivileged information that does not infringe on General Flynn’s constitutional rights or those of members of his family;

An injunction quashing the Subpoena and any subpoena similar in form and content to the Verizon Subpoena targeting General Flynn or members of his family;

 An injunction prohibiting Defendants from imposing sanctions for noncompliance with the Subpoena and any subpoena similar in form and content to the Verizon Subpoena targeting General Flynn or members of his family;

An injunction prohibiting Defendants from inspecting, using, maintaining, or disclosing any information obtained as a result of the Subpoena and a subpoena similar in form and content to the Verizon Subpoena targetingGeneral Flynn or members of his family;

An award in favor of General Flynn for his reasonable expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs, incurred as a result of the Subpoena; and k. Any and all other relief that the Court deems just and proper,” the suit says.

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