Chris Wallace Gives Up Game, Joins CNN After Leaving Fox News: “I am thrilled to join CNN+, after decades in broadcast and cable news, I am excited to explore the world of streaming”

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Chris Wallace stunned the media world today when he said he was leaving Fox News on-air for a new adventure. Shortly after the show aired, CNN gave up the game and announced Chirs Wallace was joining CNN.

CNN announced Wallace be an anchor on CNN+, a streaming news service that will start next year. Wallace will host a show featuring interviews with newsmakers “across politics, business, sports and culture.”

“I am thrilled to join CNN+. After decades in broadcast and cable news, I am excited to explore the world of streaming. I look forward to the new freedom and flexibility streaming affords in interviewing major figures across the news landscape — and finding new ways to tell stories,” Wallace said in a statement.

“He is as fine a journalist as there is in our business,” CNN boss Jeff Zucker said. “This speaks volumes about our commitment to journalism and CNN+, and we are thrilled to have Chris on the ground floor of helping us build the next generation of CNN and news.”

Wallace said today on Fox News: “After 18 years, I have decided to leave Fox. I want to try something new, to go beyond politics, to all of the things I’m interested in. This is my final Fox News Sunday. It is the last time — and I say this with real sadness — we will meet like this.

“Eighteen years ago, the bosses here at Fox promised me they would never interfere with a guest I booked or a question I asked and they kept that promise. I have been free to report

to the best of my ability, to cover the stories I think are important, to hold our country’s leaders to account. It’s been a great ride.

“I’m ready for a new adventure. And I hope you’ll check it out. And so, for the last time, dear friends, that’s it for today. Have a great week. And I hope you’ll keep watching Fox News Sunday.”

Fox News said in a statement:

“We are extremely proud of our journalism and the stellar team that Chris Wallace was a part of for 18 years.

“The legacy of Fox News Sunday will continue with our star journalists, many of whom will rotate in the position until a permanent host is named.”

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