Tom Cotton Issues Warning About Biden’s New Border Policies: “A recipe for disaster, this crisis is about to get a lot worse”

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Arkansas GOP Sen. Tom Cotton issued a warning to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that warning that the crisis at America’s southern border “is about to get a lot worse” if Democrats get some of their proposals through via budget reconciliation. Cotton went on Fox News and made his case to Dana Perino.

“Well, Dana, unfortunately, I think she is right. A lot of Democrats do support those radical views. They want to defund the police, they want to turn America into a sanctuary country for all illegal aliens from around the world,” Cotton said.

“And now that logic is being extended to our Border Patrol and our Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, even all of DHS. I mean, it’d be interesting to me if Rashida Tlaib would explain exactly who she thinks should be excluded from our country when they show up at our border, irrespective of our laws, or who in America should be deported,” he added.

“I mean, I don’t know, maybe her answer would be conservatives or Republicans or anyone who voted for Donald Trump last year.

“But it seems like beyond that, Rashida Tlaib and most Democrats think that we should have totally open borders and that anyone should be able to come into this country. That is a recipe for disaster,” Tom said.

“Well, this crisis is about to get a lot worse, Dana. It is the result of Joe Biden rhetoric and his policies,” he said.

“First, he promised open borders in the campaign. All those migrants heard it. When I was at the border, a few months ago, I spoke to several of them and asked them why they came. They all gave some answer like Joe Biden,” he said.

“Second, he reversed a lot of highly effective policies, most notably the Remain in Mexico policy, that required migrants seeking asylum to stay in Mexico, not to come in the country and live here so they could — for year before they had their claims adjudicated,” Cotton declared.

“But now we are about to have a situation where the Democrats are going to pursue amnesty in their coming budget bill. This is the word we have been getting over the last couple of weeks,” he added.

“The Democrats want to include a massive amnesty in that legislation. That will simply act as a bigger magnet for more illegal immigration into this country,” he said.

Tlaib said: “We must eliminate finding for CBP, ICE, and their parent organization DHS, these agencies are inept to humanely guiding migrants through our immigration system and further continue — instead they further continue to terrorize migrant communities.”

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