
Queen AOC Suffers Serious Loss In Home District – Her Far-Left Squad Went Big In The Big Apple, And Failed In Mayor Race

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez likes to pretend she’s the future of America. But she might not even be the future of her own party!

For several years, this “democratic socialist” has made news over her bogus statements and stunts.

But when the rubber meets the road, she rarely comes up with meaningful—or real—solutions.

Perhaps all her talk and no action are wearing on voters. Because she recently endorsed another far-leftist for New York’s mayoral race.

Democrats rejected her “defund the police” ally and instead nominated a former cop!

From IJR:

AOC endorsed Maya Wiley, a hyper-lefty with a flair for hypocrisy when it comes to protection from criminals: She’s all for defunding the police citywide, as the New York Post reported, while her own neighborhood was protected by a private security force…

Those are the kind of credentials that should get a candidate a frosty-cold shoulder from any politician with real concern for her constituents, but they drew AOC’s backing.

AOC got involved in local, NY politics when she endorsed a radical leftist that wanted to defund the NYPD (even more than de Blasio had).

But this woman, Maya Wiley, was exposed for enjoying privately-funded security in her neighborhood.

Liberal voters were so disgusted with this woman, they picked Eric Adams, a former police captain, to run for the mayor seat instead.

Bu-but… I thought New Yorkers loved AOC!

Not really. Even in the Big Apple, people are getting sick of this socialist, her shrill voice, and utter lack of good ideas.

Remember, she cost the city a billion-dollar deal with Amazon that would have brought thousands of jobs.

After the miserable year they had, those jobs could have been a major help.

On top of that, AOC doesn’t even listen to the people in her own district. People just assume New Yorkers are all champagne-sipping liberal elitists. They aren’t. They are mostly hard-working families who are sick and tired of politics.

And they are growing rapidly sick and tired of people like AOC.

Key Takeaways:

  • AOC’s endorsed candidate for NY mayor lost the nomination to a former cop.
  • Wiley pushed to defund the police, while enjoying private security.
  • This comes as AOC continues to fail the city and her district.

Source: IJR

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