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Jim Acosta Insults Trump On New CNN Show, Calls Him ‘The Mussolini of Mar-a-Lago’

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CNN’s Jim Acosta hurled a new insult at former President Donald Trump on CNN over the weekend. He scandalously called Donald Trump “the Mussolini of Mar-a-Lago” before ripping congressional Republicans for voting against the commission into the January 6 riot even though there are multiple other federal and state investigations into the event.

“Hopes for a bipartisan commission to investigate what happened on January 6th are fading fast,” Acosta said on CNN. “Almost as fast as some Republican leaders are sprinting from a key question, whether GOP lawmakers were in communication with the insurrectionists. See how they run.”

“That’s because Republican leaders have made the decision to put next year’s mid-term election ahead of the good of the country and that Trump is the key to winning back control of Congress,” he said. (See Video Below)

“You remember the Mussolini of Mar-a-Lago writing in his blog, which has become his online diary, you could say. Trump demanded that Republican leaders shut down this commission like he pressed his button for another Diet Coke,” he said.

Acosta lauded the 35 Republicans who were “brave enough to stand up to Trump and his lies” before adding that “too many Republicans are still busy rewriting the history of what happened that day.”

From Mediaite:

“You didn’t know he could move so fast, did you? Like a ninja,” Acosta quipped, pointing out how McConnell had “talked a good game around Trump’s second impeachment trial.”

The insurrectionists “stormed the Senate floor,” “tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House,” “built the gallows and chanted about murdering the vice president,” he continued, because they had been “fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth — because he was angry he lost the election.”

McConnell and other Republicans who voted to acquit Trump, Acosta said, were “not exactly a profile in courage — more like cowardice and calculation.”

“Republican leaders have made the decision to put next year’s mid-term election ahead of the good of the country,” said Acosta, believing that “Trump is the key to winning back control of Congress.”

“You remember the Mussolini of Mar-a-Lago writing in his blog, which has become his online diary, you could say — Trump demanded Republican leaders shutdown this commission,” and Republicans complied as if he had “pressed his bottom for another Diet Coke.”

The bill did have some bipartisan support, Acosta noted, pointing out the 35 Republicans who were “brave enough to stand up to Trump and his allies,” adding sardonically, “Yay democracy. Pass out the participation trophies.”