Cop Suspended For Mocking LeBron Gets Book Deal, Raises Over $500K

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Bellevue police officer Nate Silvester went viral for mocking LeBron James. He was suspended. His friend Gannon Ward started a fundraiser for Nate? The suspension is over so he is back at work. His friend raised over $500k, a portion of which will go to charity. And Nate just got a book deal with Diangelo Publications.

The book will be called Never Off Duty.  “This book is going to change the anti-police narrative in this country and help people see the men and women peace officers in our country for the heroes they are,” Silvester said. “Those who will have read the book will better understand the social pressures officers experience on and off duty and how that affects their lives outside of police work.”

“The Bellevue Marshal’s Office is aware of the extreme controversy regarding Deputy Marshal Silvester’s viral TikTok. The statements made do NOT represent the Bellevue Marshal’s Office. The Bellevue Marshal’s Office always demands that our Deputies engage with our citizens in a friendly and professional manner. This is NOT how we expect our Deputies to act on duty or use city time. This is a personnel issue that is being dealt with internally. We would like to thank everyone that took the time to reach out to us. We greatly value our relationship within our wonderful community,” the marshal’s office said a statement last week.

His friend raised over $500k with this message: “Hi, my name is Gannon. The recent viral TikTok video of a cop calling out Lebron James has cost the cop, my best friend in the world, Officer Nate Silvester a suspension without pay. 

“He’s still got his job for now, but apparently the town where he polices didn’t find his TikTok as amazingly comical, and accurate as the 4.5 million viewers did, including some major news networks. 

“The future is uncertain. I just don’t want to see my friend lose out on any money for this, when it was meant to be satirical, and to point out an obvious flaw in Lebron’s logic. 

“Please donate what you can contribute. Every dollar helps! Thanks!!

“Edit: Words cannot express how much this means to me that everyone is donating! Nate is speechless. 

“He wishes for me to let everyone know how much this means to him to have your support! WE BACK THE BLUE!!! 

EDIT 2: “Nate is beside himself!! He is SO GRATEFUL for everyone’s donations. He was literally speechless. 

“He has decided to donate a portion to the charity The First Responders Children’s Foundation, a charity for the families of fallen officers and first responders. Therefore, I’m upping the goal again!”

“I never expected my tiktok to go viral the way it did. However, when it started gaining traction I anticipated that some would come out in opposition and there would be some blow back,” Silvester told the Gateway Pundit.

“My immediate supervisors and coworkers have been supportive but have also tried to stay neutral so as not to put their jobs at risk — which is very understandable. They are great officers and incredible human beings,” Silvester said.

“Yes I am. This has become much bigger than I could have expected,” he said as to whether he will keep making video.

“I have a following of amazing people who have shown their overwhelming support for me and law enforcement in general. We need to keep this momentum going.

“There are so many good men and women in law enforcement who are doing a tough job everyday.

“During such an uncertain time for us I want them to experience the same love and support I’ve been shown these last few days. Their lives matter.”


The gofundme page is here.

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