Texas Democratic Party Official Resigns After Calling Tim Scott An ‘Oreo’

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The Texas Democratic Party official who slandered Sen. Tim Scott with a racial slur has finally resigned. Lamar County Democratic Party Chairman Gary O’Connor called Scott an “oreo” and national and statewide outrage followed. Multiple state leaders, including Texas Governor Abbott, ripped O’Connor and demanded he resign.

“I am deeply and sincerely sorry for my inappropriate and hurtful use of the racist term I used to describe Sen. Tim Scott on my personal Facebook page. It was insensitive, and I have embarrassed myself and my party by its use,” Gary O’Connor said.

“As a result, I feel compelled to offer my resignation as chair of the Lamar County Democratic Party for consideration by the County Executive Committee,” he added.

After Scott’s Republican rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s address to Congress O’Connor said about Scott:

“I had hoped that Scott might show some common sense, but it seems clear he is little more than an oreo with no real principles,” the post read.

Gov. Greg Abbott said: “This is disgusting, hateful, and completely unacceptable. O’Connor must apologize to @SenatorTimScott & step down immediately,” Abbott tweeted Saturday. “@texasdemocrats

From Fox News:

Freshman Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas, eviscerated O’Connor for his words, calling the racial slur “unforgivable” in a Friday press release.

“Gary O’Connor’s comment against Senator Tim Scott is abhorrent, insulting, and unforgivable. Both he and the entire Lamar County Democratic Party should be ashamed of this racist behavior,” said Fallon.

Fallon called on O’Connor to apologize and resign in his release and asked the Texas Democratic Party as well as the NAACP to denounce the racist statement.

Scott has faced a flurry of racial attacks from progressives after delivering his rebuttal to Biden’s address to Congress last week.

Progressives labeled Scott “Uncle Tim” — a play on the racial slur “Uncle Tom” — pushing the aspersion into Twitter’s trending topics for several hours.

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