Don Trump Jr Warns Liz Cheney Against Running For POTUS In 2024: “Lucky To Get 5%”

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Don Trump Jr. broke his silence on ‘Lincoln Project’ Liz Cheney saying she has not ruled out throwing her hat in the ring and running for president in 2024.

“I’m not ruling anything in or out — ever is a long time,” Cheney said out of one side of her mouth while out of the other side she tried to disqualify two chief rivals for the GOP nomination in 2024, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley.

She said of those two GOP Senators,  “I think we have a huge number of interesting candidates, but I think that we’re going to be in a good position to be able to take the White House. I do think that some of our candidates who led the charge, particularly the senators who led the unconstitutional charge, not to certify the election, you know, in my view that’s disqualifying.”

Cheney said she was “confident” that she will win a Trump-led primary battle for her seat.

Enter Don Trump Jr. who said:

“I can only assume this means that Lincoln Project Liz is planning a primary challenge to Joe Biden for the Dem nomination because God knows she’d be lucky to break 5% running in the 2024 Republican primary.”

Top Trump adviser Boris Epshsteyn said: “Having just been censured by her home state GOP and having 10 percent approval rating with Republicans in Wyoming is a GREAT start!”

Trump Jr. ripped Cheney earlier when she said this about his father:

“I’ve been clear in my views about President Trump and the extent to which following January 6th, I don’t believe that he should be playing a role in the future of the party or the country.”

Trump Jr responded to that with:

“Liz Cheney knows she can’t get reelected in Wyoming because the people there hate her, so she’s trying hard to make sure her new friends at CNN will hire her once she loses her primary. #LincolnProjectLiz is less popular with Republicans than Andrew Cuomo is at nursing homes!!!”

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