John Boehner Goes On The View, Trashes Trump: “Has nothing else to do except to cause trouble”

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Former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, went on The View today and promptly trashed former President Donald Trump. He said Trump was ‘unemployed’ and has nothing to do but cause trouble.

Boehner said he’s “not in the political world these days,” and does his best to stay “as far away as possible,” but that didn’t stop him from taking a few shots at Trump. “Here’s a guy who’s unemployed, has nothing else to do except to cause trouble,” Boehner said. “And clearly, it’s obvious to me that he’s not going away.”

“I think what Republicans need to do is act like Republicans,” Boehner added. “I’m a conservative Republican but I’m not crazy. I believe in fiscal responsibility. I believe in a strong national defense.”

“We need to rally the party around what being a Republican means,” he said. “And those principles are pretty straightforward and pretty simple.”

“The president abused the loyalty and the trust that voters had placed in him by perpetuating this noise,” Boehner said of Trump contesting his election loss. He said it was one of “the sadder things I’ve seen in the last 40 years in politics.”

Boehner’s new book is called “On the House: A Washington Memoir” and it is due out Tuesday.  John takes shots at Trump, Ted Cruz and Jim Jordan in his new book.

From Newsmax:

Some Republicans have blasted back at Boehner, including Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who Boehner described as a “jerk” in the book.

“I wear with pride his drunken, bloviated scorn,” Cruz tweeted Friday. He then jabbed: “Please don’t cry.”

Boehner, who served in the House from 1991 to 2015 and was its speaker from 2011 to 2015, described his work during former President Barack Obama’s tenure as becoming the “mayor” of “Crazytown,” the Washington Post reported from the book.

Other Republicans also blasted the bashing.

Former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.,  who served with the former speaker, told Newsmax: “I didn’t consider Boehner a true conservative and nobody else I knew did. He was more about cutting deals.”

And ex-Rep. Todd Rokita, R-Ind., who is Indiana’s state attorney general, told Newsmax he’s disappointed by Boehner’s trashing “Tea Party” Republicans.

“John misunderstood the mandate of 2010,” he said. “In 2010, the voters were sending a very clear message that they wanted the opposite of where we were going under Barack Obama.  And you couldn’t compromise with the Democrats. Time has proven the conservatives right.”

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