unique visitors counter MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch Rips Trump Supporters: ’50 Million Jerks, Really Suck as Human Beings’ – Washington News

MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch Rips Trump Supporters: ’50 Million Jerks, Really Suck as Human Beings’

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MSNBC contributor and former friend to President Trump Donny Deutsch took some cheap shots at Trump yesterday calling his supporters “50 million jerks.”

Deutsch said, “Here is the problem, in one of your earlier segment you showed a crowd at a Trump rally and someone held up a sign that said ‘99% survival rate is not an emergency.’”

“That is the mindset of somebody if you were in a movie theater with 100 people and one person was going to die, the other 99 shouldn’t care, shouldn’t huddle around.”

“And that is the problem in this country is that we have a part of this country I’ll call un-greatest Generation that is a ‘me’ culture.”

“If it doesn’t affect me, I don’t give a damn,” he said.

“That sign said it all.”

Donny continued, “What it comes down to certain people can’t be led.”

“If you have enough people who just don’t give a damn unless it affects them, it is hard to solve that problem.”

“We have a segment that is the un-greatest generation.”

“That is the sadness that we have here.”

“That can’t feel, can’t look at that number of 3,000 and go those are people.”

“They can’t process it if it doesn’t affect them, they can’t process it. That is sad.”

He kept going, “Maybe we have to get to a point that maybe there are 50 million jerks in this country.”

“Maybe that is the sad truth, and how do we manage that?”

“Because Joe Biden is doing everything right.”

“And when you see that sign, maybe there is a chunk of us that really suck as human beings. Maybe that is a reality.”