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Matthew McConaughey Puts Dems On Notice, Rips ‘Arrogant’ Liberals Who ‘Condescend And Patronize’ Conservatives

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Hollywood star Matthew McConaughey put all the liberal hypocrites on notice in a blistering dressing down during an interview with fellow actor Russel Brand.

McConaughey and Brand dropped the hammer on leftists in Hollywood and across the USA who are so arrogant and clueless that they condescend and dismiss conservatives as stupid.

“There are a lot on that illiberal left that absolutely condescend, patronize and are arrogant towards that other 50%,” McConaughey said.

He dared people on both sides of the aisle to move to the center, “Let’s get aggressively centric, I dare you,” he said.

“It’s not a recession, it’s an aggressive move.”

Russel Brand agreed with Mathew saying his own experiences in England turned him off to liberals who believe Trump voters, Brexit voters, or what he calls “ordinary working people” are stupid.

“I don’t like it,” Brand said.

“I’ve spent enough time with people that have been described in this manner to feel ill at ease with it.”

“Our entire way of measuring what is valuable has been biased to such an alarming degree that it’s created this kind of chasm of mistrust,” he added.

McConaughey explained that “many people” in the entertainment industry were “in denial that it was actually real” when President Trump won the 2016 election.

“Well, now you’ve got the right that’s in denial cause their side has ‘fake news,’ and I understand, they’ve been fed fake news.”

“No one knows who the hell to believe, right?”

“So they’re putting down their last bastion of defense,” he said.