Kayleigh Is Asked If Trump Will Be At Biden Inauguration – She Says Donald Will Attend “His Own Inauguration”

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The media continues to push their declaration that Joe Biden won the election. They ignore real concerns of irregularities in many states.

(And that’s just for starters.)

Many Americans were shocked to learn “conservative” Fox going along with this narrative. Even Stuart Varney at Fox Business appears to be pushing this idea.

He even asked Kayleigh McEnany if Trump will attend Biden’s inauguration. And this is what she had to say:

While appearing with Stuart Varney, Kayleigh McEnany was asked if President Trump will attend Biden’s inauguration ceremony.

Varney suggested it would look bad and like “sour grapes” if he did not attend.

With a smile, McEnany replied “I think the president will attend his own inauguration. He would have to be there in fact.”

The leftist media is working overtime to push the idea that Biden won without the need for a transparent look at the election.

Most of them continue to claim there is “no” evidence of wrongdoing, despite new reports coming out daily of concerns, investigations and lawsuits.

Varney of Fox Business seems to have pressured the White House press secretary with the same narrative. Instead, she stood her ground, promising Trump will attend his own inauguration for his second term.

That’s not what liberals want to hear. These are the same people who pushed a 2+ year investigation over nothing. The same people who endorsed impeachment over a phone call.

Are we really surprised they are pushing this Biden victory narrative without even acknowledging the process is far from over?

Trump promised to drain the swamp, folks. Of course, the swamp would fight back. And the MSM is just as swampy as D.C., as we are seeing.

The fact remains that those in power will do anything to stop Trump from challenging the election results, demanding recounts and recanvassing, and taking it to court.

It might be because he’ll uncover something that will hurt many swamp dwellers. So they are trying to stop it before it gets started.

But I have a feeling they’ve already failed.

Key Takeaways:

  • The media, including Fox News, continues to push the narrative that Biden won fairly.
  • Fox Business’ Varney pressured McEnany to concede the victory.
  • Instead, she said Trump will attend his own inauguration.

Source: Red State WatcherTwitter

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