New York City Residents Flee In Mass Exodus – So De Blasio Doubles Down With Call For ‘Redistribution Of Wealth’

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After voting for left-wing Democrats like Bill de Blasio, rich liberal New Yorkers are fleeing in droves. Even Governor Cuomo has admitted it’s a problem, and they won’t fix it by scaring people away.

The way the liberal government handled the pandemic and riots seems to have driven many residents to move away.

Things only appear to get worse, as de Blasio refuses to turn things around.

In fact, it appears he wants to make things much worse—embracing even more socialism:

Mayor de Blasio made a public plea Friday for taxing the rich and redistributing their money even as the Big Apple reels from a coronavirus-induced budget crisis that’s already caused well-heeled New Yorkers to head for the hills.

“Help me tax the wealthy. Help me redistribute wealth. Help me build affordable housing in white communities if you want desegregation,” de Blasio said on WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer” show after a caller asked about integrating public schools.

Even though his leadership is a train wreck, de Blasio is pushing some of the most radical ideas since Bernie Sanders.

As rich New Yorkers flee to other states, the mayor is promising to raise taxes on the wealthy.

He wants to “redistribute the wealth,” which is simply code for expanding wasteful, bloated government programs.

He even is echoing Obama’s failed suburban scheme, saying he’d build low-income housing in “white” communities. Apparently, he ignored Ben Carson when he proved most minorities live in the suburbs.

De Blasio has already wrecked the New York economy. Even after months of the worst lockdowns in the country, he refuses to reopen the city.

He even admitted recently he has “no plan” to bring back restaurants.

The governor of New York recently begged rich New Yorkers to come back, but he can’t get the schools opened.

And de Blasio is doing everything in his power to drive the rich away, as he punishes those who can’t leave with government-mandated poverty.

De Blasio and his allies on the left have made the choice in November clear.

Do we want the America of the last 250 years or a Socialist Union? Which one are you voting for?

Key Takeaways:

  • NY Mayor promises to raise taxes on the rich, even as wealthy residents flee the city.
  • The left-wing mayor wants to “redistribute wealth” and import the slums into the suburbs.
  • His leadership has turned the Big Apple into a wasteland.

Source: New York Post

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