Dem Rep Who Was Near Pelosi Friday Says She’s Been Diagnosed With Presumed Case, Will Self Isolate At Home

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Rep. Nydia Velazquez just revealed she has been diagnosed with a presumed case of the coronavirus.

She was near Nancy Pelosi and many other members of Congress after they were called back to finish voting on the stimulus package Friday.

She said, “I developed the abrupt onset of muscle aches, fevers, nasal congestion and stomach upset.”

“I noticed that I could no longer smell my perfume or taste my food. After speaking with The Attending Physician by phone, I was diagnosed with presumed coronavirus infection.”

“My symptoms are mild at the present time and I am taking Tylenol for fever, and isolating myself at my home.”

“At the advice of The Attending Physician, neither COVID 19 laboratory testing nor a doctor’s office visit was recommended.”

“I am carefully monitoring my symptoms, working remotely and in constant contact with my staff.”

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